Advantages of Quitting Smoking

Health is not valued till sickness comes. 

Here is a simple list of advantages of quitting smoking.

  • Giving up smoking means shunning the intake of poisons like nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and other chemicals. Hence quitting smoking has a tremendous positive impact on health.
  • Psychological benefit is - breaking a bad habit is an achievement in fact and it boosts the self-confidence.
  • Great saving of money & time !
  • Few more years of added life time to achieve more in life !
  • Healthy offspring - Babies born to mothers who haven't smoked during pregnancy are comparatively healthy and without neonatal complications.

And few more points on the importance of quitting smoking:

Every year millions of people, across the globe, are dying due to smoking related complications. Smoking kills !

Warning on a cigarette pack
(Image courtesy - Wikipedia)

Smokers cause harm not only to their health but also to the other non-smokers. People in the environment inhale the exhaled smoke of a real smoker.

This is known as passive smoking or involuntary smoking or second hand smoking. Even the passive smokers are exposed to all the health risks of an active(!) smoker.

Good thing is...smoking in public places is banned in few countries. Do we have the right to affect the other innocent non-smokers and children ? Let's all wish...the ban on smoking in public places should be implemented in all the countries.

Please remember...thousands stop smoking every day - by dying.

So kick the butt ! Quit smoking ! We have much better things to do in our life !

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